Thursday, June 2


I have issues with handing in assignments. It'd be fair to say I'm lazy. But, much the same as the last few semesters, everything has come together at the last minute. It's this constant, ongoing, never relenting 'uni work requirements cloud' I live under for 12 weeks - which leads to the best feeling of the semester, the one where I have no more assignments to hand in.

Multiple assignments suddenly get done in a mad flurry during the last week of the semester. For a long time this has stressed me out, but now I've learnt to accept that coming through at the last minute is my specialty, it's when I shine.


My Hero.


Blogger Erica said...

It's when you get a high distinction for an assignment started at 3am the night before it's due that just reinforces procrastinatory behaviour.
I wrote an entire song about procrastination and the trials of Uni life last year. That was a great exercise in procrastination itself.

12:30 PM  

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