When I came back to univeristy after the year off, I found that I didn't have a great deal of friends at univeristy. There were a few factors at play in this happening, and the year away was probably the least of them. I should also really say 'aquaintances' or 'associates' rather than friends. That would sum up the nature of the
univeristy friend relationship a lot better. I was also in a relationship at the time, which despite it's steady decline, kept me clothed in a feeling of acceptance than meant I didn't actively seek out the friendship of others.
During the year I had off - which was the second year out of high school for those of you keeping track at home - I met a girl called Kylie. She lived in Albury, and myself and Cavalier basically stumbled across her in a pub there (The Globe - do we have any Albury based readers?). Through a protacted process involving beer, some mobile phones and a shocking memory, me and Kylie became friends. Proper friends, we confided in each other, etc. At the time I was in said realtionship, so before those of you who know me personally, and read this, get any ideas - there was no romantic interest.
Tall and pretty, Kylie was a favourite of my mates too, and soon earned the pseudonium of Dr. Karl via a system which we had in place that allowed us to discuss girls while we were in our workplace. (Geez, those were the days! Girls! What a time to be alive!)
Our educational record was similar, we had both dropped out and taken a year off. When I went back to uni after the year off, she moved to Melbourne and started at my uni. She lived on campus, and I spent the odd lazy afternoon sitting around her common lounge room talking shit with her housemates and listening to bad mid-day TV revolve in the background.
At the time i was working a job in the mornings before uni, and would show up to class tired and bored. At around 1PM, Dr. Karl's unemployed, parentally supported friends would stumble out of their bedrooms into the living room and complain of how tired they are, how late for class, and how they simply don't have the time to do homework, before promptly returning to bed.
To be continued.